Use the following instructions to enable the voice input microphone on your android phone keyboard.
Step 1- Ensure voice input key is turned on the phone settings
Navigate to your phone’s setting to turn on voice input.
Settings > Language & input > Google Keyboard > Voice input key.
Keyboard test- does the microphone appear next to the spacebar? If yes, you succeeded! If not, go to step 2.
Step 2- Microphone still missing while trying to voice type a text message
Enable/ update the app “Google Search.”
Go to the Play Store and search for “Google Search” and enable/ update it. Then, go to your language and input settings to make sure “Google Voice Typing” is checked and the settings are how you would like”.
Keyboard test- does the microphone appear next to the spacebar? If yes, you succeeded! If not, go to step 3.
Step 3- Microphone still missing, download a keyboard from Google Play store
Search for “keyboard with microphone” on Google Play. There are several keyboard apps with microphone.
If the keyboard displays the microphone with “,” – click and hold the key and the microphone will be activated.
Author: Nahrin Dowds
Nahrin helps B2B & Technology companies bring in more leads, and nurture and close more sales with value-packed content and copy. You’re welcome to contact Nahrin at +1.208.962.1992.